Amazing game. Been playing for months! But this is not a game for those players who like to commit just a few weeks or months to a game and "level up" or "max out"
the game quickly! If you pay money, there are certainly ways to speed up the play but even that will have its limits. I have not paid for anything, but instead have waited to earn and time manage the game play to progressively "level up", earn coins, gems, maps, etc. in real time and without "paid for" assistance. All the updates have been great and Im glad the developers dont cater to to every "quicker/easier" suggestion. Yes, tools are hard to come by. Yes, some boats have long dock times. No, you cant trade or buy everything. But this isnt a game about "winning", its a essentially a "sim" game. A time management, world build building, open ended INVESTMENT. Keeping things like clearing tools
scarce discourages frivolous or fast producing hack tactics. Space is commodity and if you overload without means to prune, oh well. Youll learn about economic supply and demand. Some trade times dont allow for you to make all the items, and youll have to supplement with buying the rest at the market, while managing your spending so as to still make a profit. Again, this game is more like Monopoly. You can play for the basic click and pay acquisitions or you can employ real world economic and manufacturing concepts to graphically adorable island world and watch your prudence and patience pay off over time. This game has the potential to keep you playing for years, ever growing and earning the fruits of your labor. Not for the immediate need gratification mind-set of most millennials. If you loved the Sim City Computer games or Villager games, this is a great new interface.
The only suggestion I have would be to design an icon that populates on the name tag of sellers at the market that indicates they have a dive in progress (perhaps a cute "help wanted" icon?). Since it does take a minute to transition to other players islands, it would be nice to know ahead of time if they have a dive we can help with by visiting, rather than aimlessly searching. Keep the great updates coming, and dont cave to the "cant you make it easier" reviews.